

Supreme Court considers whether Twitter can be held liable for failing to remove terrorist content - TL;DR CNBC

Supreme Court considers whether Twitter can be held liable for failing to remove terrorist content

Publishing timestamp: 2023-02-22 16:56:48


The Supreme Court heard arguments Wednesday in a case that will help determine whether social media platforms can be held liable for aiding and abetting terrorism for failing to remove content and accounts promoting it. The case revolves around a specific international terrorist act and contends that Twitter should be held accountable for not taking aggressive enough action against that content on its platform. The Supreme Court is expected to make a decision on the case by June.

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Tickers: GOOGL

Keywords: breaking news: politicspoliticsamy barrettsocial mediatechnologyelena kaganalphabet incmobilebreaking news: technologyunited statessamuel alitobusiness news

Source: https://www.cnbc.com/2023/02/22/supreme-court-hears-twitter-v-taamneh-case-about-terrorist-content.html

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