

Singapore's online portal PropertyGuru remains in the red even as fourth quarter revenue jumped - TL;DR CNBC

Singapore's online portal PropertyGuru remains in the red even as fourth quarter revenue jumped

Publishing timestamp: 2023-03-01 23:45:06


PropertyGuru posted a net loss of $5 million Singapore dollars ($3.7 million) in the fourth quarter of 2022, citing challenges such as rising interest rates and government credit intervention in Vietnam. Revenue improved 17% in the same quarter. Maximilian Koeswoyo, research analyst at Phillip Securities, believes the stock will face challenges in the near-term but will have a major turnaround once PropertyGuru shows early signs of a trajectory towards positive net profit after tax. PropertyGuru expects integration and scaling of Sendhelper acquisition to negatively impact profitability in 2023.

Sentiment: MIXED

Tickers: PGRU

Keywords: real estatetechnologybusiness newsinternetearningspropertyguru group ltdasia economy

Source: https://www.cnbc.com/2023/03/02/singapores-propertyguru-remains-in-the-red-despite-q4-revenue-jump.html

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