

One of the biggest autonomous transportation tests is operating deep underwater - TL;DR CNBC

One of the biggest autonomous transportation tests is operating deep underwater

Publishing timestamp: 2023-03-05 09:36:08


Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) are used by scientists for research and oil and gas companies for surveys, but are increasingly being used for military purposes. Companies such as Boeing and Anduril Industries are developing AUVs for military use, and China has recently completed construction on an unmanned ship made to transport drones and AUVs. There are challenges to overcome before AUVs can be used for everyday use, such as environmental challenges and ethical concerns.

Sentiment: NEUTRAL

Tickers: BA

Keywords: submarine manufacturingaerospace and defense industrymilitary vehiclestechnologyaustraliatransportationdrone aircraftoceansbusiness newsboeing co

Source: https://www.cnbc.com/2023/03/05/one-of-the-biggest-autonomous-vehicle-tests-is-deep-underwater.html

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