

Levi's Strauss CEO says his biggest mistake was not firing the wrong people fast enough - TL;DR CNBC

Levi's Strauss CEO says his biggest mistake was not firing the wrong people fast enough

Publishing timestamp: 2023-09-27 00:25:46


Levi's CEO Charles Bergh turned around the struggling denim jeans company by firing executives and revitalizing the brand. The company experienced significant revenue growth in recent years but faced challenges in 2023 due to declining wholesale revenue and soft sales in the US. Levi's is focusing on expanding in Asia and growing its women's business.

Sentiment: MIXED

Tickers: LEVI

Keywords: breaking news: businessasia economywomen's fashionfashionretail industryapparel retailmen's fashionchinalevi strauss & cobusiness

Source: https://www.cnbc.com/2023/09/27/levis-ceo-my-biggest-mistake-was-not-firing-wrong-people-fast-enough.html

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