

How often should you wash your jeans? The Levi’s CEO settles the debate - TL;DR CNBC

How often should you wash your jeans? The Levi’s CEO settles the debate

Publishing timestamp: 2023-10-10 01:42:08


The article discusses the debate surrounding washing jeans and how Levi Strauss CEO Charles Bergh has been associated with the idea of not washing jeans. Bergh clarifies that he never said not to wash jeans, but he personally avoids using a washing machine and instead spot cleans or washes them in the shower. The article also mentions the environmental impact of washing clothes and the potential benefits of washing them less frequently.

Sentiment: NEUTRAL

Tickers: LEVI

Keywords: apparel manufacturinglevi strauss & coapparel retailenvironment

Source: https://www.cnbc.com/2023/10/10/how-often-should-you-wash-your-jeans-levis-ceo-settles-debate.html

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