

Meta, Apple and Google cheer FCC ruling that could pave the way for new AR and VR applications - TL;DR CNBC

Meta, Apple and Google cheer FCC ruling that could pave the way for new AR and VR applications

Publishing timestamp: 2023-10-20 11:03:51


The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has agreed to open a band of spectrum for wearable devices, including augmented and virtual reality wearables. Companies like Apple, Broadcom, Meta, and Google have advocated for this move, believing it will pave the way for new applications and advancements in wearable technology. The FCC expects this decision to spur the development of cutting-edge applications and enhance various industries such as healthcare, learning, and entertainment.

Sentiment: POSITIVE


Keywords: amazon.com incapple incbreaking news: technologyalphabet incsocial mediabreaking news: politicsbroadcom inctechnologymobilealphabet class cbusiness newsmeta platforms incwashingtonpolitics

Source: https://www.cnbc.com/2023/10/19/meta-apple-google-cheer-fcc-ruling-that-could-spur-new-vr-ar-apps.html

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