

How major retailers and Covid-era nostalgia helped revive the vinyl records industry - TL;DR CNBC

How major retailers and Covid-era nostalgia helped revive the vinyl records industry

Publishing timestamp: 2023-11-30 09:03:20


The article discusses the resurgence of the vinyl record business, fueled by popular artists like Taylor Swift and major retailers including Target and Walmart. United Record Pressing, the largest vinyl recording pressing plant in North America, has become a major player in the market. The global vinyl record market is projected to reach $4.12 billion by 2030. The article highlights the history of the vinyl record industry, its decline in the past, and its current growth. It also mentions the evolving landscape of vinyl retailers and the role of artists in driving the market's continued growth. The CEO of United Record Pressing attributes part of the company's success to the city of Nashville and its connection to the music industry.

Sentiment: POSITIVE


Keywords: online retailtaylor swiftbusiness newsbusinesstarget corprecording media manufacturingnashvillewalmart incamazon.com incunited statesbest buy co incentertainmentmusicmusic retail

Source: https://www.cnbc.com/2023/11/30/retailers-covid-era-nostalgia-revive-the-vinyl-records-industry.html

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