

GM's Cruise robotaxi unit dismisses nine ‘key leaders’ amid safety investigation - TL;DR CNBC

GM's Cruise robotaxi unit dismisses nine ‘key leaders’ amid safety investigation

Publishing timestamp: 2023-12-13 19:47:01


General Motors' Cruise autonomous vehicle unit has dismissed nine "key leaders" amid ongoing safety investigations following an accident involving one of Cruise's robotaxis. The company is facing regulatory pressure and fines for potentially misleading or withholding information about the accident. The departures are seen as a necessary step for Cruise to regain trust and operate with the highest safety standards. This is a setback for the self-driving vehicle industry, which has faced challenges in commercializing autonomous vehicles. Cruise has cost GM over $8 billion since its acquisition in 2016.

Sentiment: NEGATIVE

Tickers: GM

Keywords: business newstechnologymary barrabusinessautosbreaking news: businesssan franciscogeneral motors cobreaking news: technologytransportation

Source: https://www.cnbc.com/2023/12/13/gms-cruise-dismisses-nine-key-leaders-amid-safety-probe.html

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