

CNBC Daily Open: Worst day in months for markets as FedEx slumps - TL;DR CNBC

CNBC Daily Open: Worst day in months for markets as FedEx slumps

Publishing timestamp: 2023-12-21 02:30:01


The article discusses the decline in U.S. markets, the closure of Citigroup's distressed-debt group, the potential ban on sales of Apple Watch, the popularity of Tesla's stock, and the performance of FedEx as a bellwether for the general economy. It mentions that while the market had a bad day, it doesn't necessarily indicate a prolonged slide and highlights the positive aspects such as Treasury yields dipping and pockets of strength in certain stocks.

Sentiment: MIXED


Keywords: nasdaq compositefedex corpkospi indexunited statesbanksdow jones industrial averagebusiness newsapple incworld marketstechnologyspdr s&p 500 etf trustalphabet inceconomic eventscitigroup incmarketss&p 500 indextesla inc

Source: https://www.cnbc.com/2023/12/21/stock-markets-worst-day-in-months-for-markets-as-fedex-slumps.html

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