

U.S. oil giant Exxon Mobil sues activist investors to prevent climate proposals - TL;DR CNBC

U.S. oil giant Exxon Mobil sues activist investors to prevent climate proposals

Publishing timestamp: 2024-01-22 09:35:09


Exxon Mobil has filed a lawsuit against U.S. and Dutch activist investors to prevent them from submitting climate proposals during the company's shareholder meeting. The lawsuit is seen as a significant step in the battle between oil companies and environmental campaigners. Exxon Mobil accuses the investors of having an "extreme agenda" and undermining the company's business. The investors, Arjuna Capital and Follow This, argue that they are exercising their shareholder rights and complying with SEC regulations. The lawsuit could have implications for future shareholder petitions and the SEC's oversight of environmental and social proposals.

Sentiment: NEGATIVE

Tickers: XOM

Keywords: lawsexxon mobil corpoil and gasenergyclimatebusiness news

Source: https://www.cnbc.com/2024/01/22/oil-exxon-mobil-sues-activist-investors-to-stop-shareholder-proposals.html

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