

Carrier, the century-old inventor of the air conditioner, is moving on to the home heat pump - TL;DR CNBC

Carrier, the century-old inventor of the air conditioner, is moving on to the home heat pump

Publishing timestamp: 2024-04-22 10:32:58


Carrier Global, a nearly 100-year-old manufacturer, is transforming itself to capitalize on the growing market for heat pumps and other HVAC climate technologies. The company has made a big bet on heat pumps by acquiring Germany's Viessmann Climate Solutions and is providing training and education programs to its dealers. With the increasing focus on sustainability and renewable energy, Carrier is aiming to achieve net-zero GHG emissions in its operations by 2030 and across its value chain by 2050.

Sentiment: POSITIVE

Tickers: CARR

Keywords: carrier global corpenergy industryenergy policyenergyclimateenvironmentenergy subsidiesclimate changebusiness news

Source: https://www.cnbc.com/2024/04/22/century-old-inventor-of-air-conditioner-is-moving-on-to-home-heat-pump.html

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