

SEC approves rule change to allow creation of ether ETFs - TL;DR CNBC

SEC approves rule change to allow creation of ether ETFs

Publishing timestamp: 2024-05-23 17:57:48


SEC has approved rule change for ETFs that buy and hold ether, one of the world's largest cryptocurrencies. Ether ETFs are expected to be smaller than bitcoin counterparts initially. The approval is a sign that SEC's stance toward crypto may be softening. Ether is seen as a blue chip coin with different value proposition than bitcoin, as it fuels the Ethereum network for various applications. Lack of staking in ETF products may lead to less demand for ether ETFs compared to bitcoin.

Sentiment: NEUTRAL

Tickers: BTC.CM=ETH.CM=

Keywords: bitcoin/usd coin metricsbreaking news: marketsbreaking news: investingethereum/usd coin metricsinvestment strategybusiness news

Source: https://www.cnbc.com/2024/05/23/sec-approves-rule-change-to-allow-creation-of-ether-etfs.html

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