

U.S. crude oil on pace for worst month of year ahead of weekend OPEC+ meeting - TL;DR CNBC

U.S. crude oil on pace for worst month of year ahead of weekend OPEC+ meeting

Publishing timestamp: 2024-05-31 11:28:24


OPEC+ members are expected to review voluntary output cuts, with analysts predicting they will likely keep the cuts in place. U.S. oil is down in May, with weak gasoline demand and lackluster oil demand. GE Vernova is gaining momentum in the energy transition sector.

Sentiment: NEUTRAL

Tickers: @LCO.1%40RB.1?QSEARCHTERM=%40RB@CL.1@NG.1

Keywords: marketsbusiness newsice brent crude (apr'23)oil and gasinvestment strategywti crude (mar'23)breaking news: marketsnatural gas (mar'23)

Source: https://www.cnbc.com/2024/05/31/crude-oil-prices-today.html

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