

Amazon's first U.S. labor union moves to affiliate with Teamsters - TL;DR CNBC

Amazon's first U.S. labor union moves to affiliate with Teamsters

Publishing timestamp: 2024-06-04 20:18:18


The Amazon Labor Union, which won a landmark victory in 2022, is seeking to affiliate with the Teamsters union to gain more negotiating power with Amazon. However, there have been setbacks including infighting among leaders and members. The affiliation agreement still needs to be ratified by both unions.

Sentiment: MIXED

Tickers: AMZN

Keywords: breaking news: technologybusiness newstechnologyinternetamazon.com inc

Source: https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/04/amazons-first-us-labor-union-moves-to-affiliate-with-teamsters.html

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