

Extreme heat is turning electricity cutoffs into new political battle for power companies - TL;DR CNBC

Extreme heat is turning electricity cutoffs into new political battle for power companies

Publishing timestamp: 2024-06-21 10:51:39


Virginia has implemented new protections for utility customers during extreme heat, but advocates say more needs to be done to prevent disconnections. Climate change is forcing a new conversation about the issue, with many states lacking protections for consumers. Utility companies insist that disconnections are a last resort and offer assistance programs to help customers avoid being cut off.

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Tickers: DDUK

Keywords: dominion energy inctechnologybusiness newsinvestment strategybusinessclimateutilitieselectric utilitieselectric power generationsuppress zephrduke energy corpvirginia

Source: https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/21/heat-waves-make-residential-power-cutoff-matter-of-life-and-death.html

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