

Amazon is seen as so disruptive because people think they’re getting something for free - TL;DR CNBC

Amazon is seen as so disruptive because people think they’re getting something for free

Publishing timestamp: 2018-06-18 11:07:53


Amazon Prime customers are extremely loyal and tend to forget they have paid for the service due to the benefits included. Companies like Amazon, Disney, Apple, Netflix, and others are seen as disruptive and creative, leading to increased brand value. The link between creativity, disruption, and brand value is analyzed in a study by Kantar Millward Brown.

Sentiment: POSITIVE


Keywords: online advertising and marketing industryconsumerismapple incamazon.com incinnovationmarketing and advertisingwalt disney cotencent holdings ltdconsumer behavioradvertising and marketing industrybusiness newsmarketingadvertising and public relationsbrands and brandingadvertisingnetflix inccampaign advertising

Source: https://www.cnbc.com/2018/06/18/amazon-is-disruptive-because-people-think-they-get-something-free.html

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